How To

How to Install an Over-The-Range Microwave

Installing an over-the-range microwave can be quick and easy. Over-the-range microwaves are held in place by a bracket against the wall and several...

Top 5 Projects the JackClamp Can Be Used For

Top 5 Projects the JackClamp Can Be Used For
So, you know what the JackClamp is..  .....but, in what ways can you use it? You don't have to be a carpenter, rancher, mechanic or any other fancy...

How to use the JackClamp for DIY projects

How to use the JackClamp for DIY projects
Women: Queen's of DIY Projects Ok gals, who doesn't like cheap home decor? There are so many DIY projects that you can make yourself - with the hel...

How to Install Decking with the Proper Spacing

Installing a new Deck is Easy with the JackClamp                 When bu...

How to Hang Cabinets by Yourself

Hanging Cabinets Alone with the JackClamp is Safe and Easy                 Hanging cabinets, even with two people, can traditionally be extremely c...

How to Open a Stuck Window

Open a stuck window using the JackClamp Painted shut or otherwise stuck windows can be a nightmare. They’re not only a hassle but they’...